October 2, 2021 Annual Meeting / Carl Harmon

21 Members of SMDHS gathered at Southern Maine Community College on Saturday, October 2, 2021for our annual meeting.

This was the first meeting of the society since our 2019 Holiday party.  It was good to see everyone again after so long.  The meeting started with lunch and social time.

Lee Harvie, President, called the meeting to order at 12:30.

We started with the treasurer’s report.  As of September 29, the club has $4,857.75 in checking and $205.00 in cash for a total of $5,062.75.  The only transactions this year were $251.37 for the website hosting service and interest income of $0.82.

We agreed to hold this year’s holiday party on Sunday, Dec. 5 from 12:00-3:00.  More details will follow.

We discussed the Lobster Classic and the need for more folks helping if we decide to continue.  The consensus of the group was to try to hold the event in 2022 and that we would start working to develop a list of members that will help to plan and execute the event.  A target date of August 20 was proposed.  Paul will look to see if he can get rooms reserved for the event on that date at SMCC.

We started discussing a schedule for 2022, but decided that Paul would provide a draft schedule that we could edit as needed.

The club voted for a new slate of officers.  The following officers were nominated for a two-year term starting January 1, 2022 and approved by a vote of the club:

President:  Lisa Bourret

Vice President:  Pat Boissonneault

Treasurer/Secretary: Paul Bourret

Following the business meeting, we listened to a presentation from Carl Harmon of Harmon Hill Farm.  Carl spoke of his business, Harmon Hill Farm.  He carries over 4000 different varieties of daylilies as well as hosta and other perennials.  He presented a number of great daylily varieties including some of his top-ranked performers.  He also showed us an example of his bulb / hosta baskets made from hardware cloth.