In-person meetings cancelled until at least the fall. CDS Zoom meetings.

SMCC is still not allowing meetings on campus for outside groups.  So, we have decided to cancel our meetings until the fall.

Lisa and Paul Bourret will try to have a club picnic / cookout in the August / September timeframe if things look better on the Covid front.  Until then, please stay tuned.

Connecticut Daylily Society (CDS) is planning some Zoom meetings over the next few months and have graciously invited anyone from SMDHS to attend.  Here is a list of the upcoming meetings.  If you are interested, let Paul Bourret know and he will forward the link to the meeting when it is available:

Saturday, February 27, 2021, 1:00 PM

Dr. Kathleen Nordstrom currently hails from Northern Light Daylilies located in Dodge City, MN.  Kathleen is originally from Bismarck, North Dakota, so she, like her daylilies, is truly hardy !   She shares her website, Northern lights Daylilies, with her husband Dr. Michael Grossman.   Kathleen, like Michael, hybridizes, and serves, she says, as Vice President of Weeding for Northern Lights Daylilies.

The CT Daylily Society did welcome Michael Grossman back in 2013, and Kathleen came along, so we’ve had the opportunity to meet her in person.   At the time of our Zoom visit with Kathleen February 27, we’ll hear about her side of the daylily bed.   Those of you fascinated with daylily patterning will find Kathleen’s presentation of particular interest.  She has 20  introductions to date, and I expect we’ll be among the first to see her 2021s.

Saturday, March 27, 2021, 1:00 PM

Bret Clement, Esquire, lists Carmel, Indiana as home, but tells us his daylilies are growing 45 minutes away in NW Indiana.  That’s patience!   His website states “Welcome to Clement Gardens “The Cat’s Meow of Daylilies.”  Bret has 227 daylily introductions to date, and a good many celebrate the cat:  ‘A Cat for All Seasons,’ ‘A Tail of Two Cats,’ ‘All Cats Matter,’ and ‘As the World Purrs’ are but a few.  You get the idea; what fun!   His introductions are whimsical both in name and in form;  his daylilies are an exploration of the unusual form.

Bret has served as Parliamentarian and Legal Counsel to the American Hemerocallis Society for more than a decade now.