2019 Holiday Party

Hi Everyone.  Our final meeting of the year, our annual holiday party, is scheduled for Sunday, December 8 from noon – 3 PM.  This will be a pot-luck lunch, so please bring a festive holiday dish to share.

We will be exchanging gifts in our modified Yankee Swap, though this year we may have an interesting twist if folks are interested.  Everyone starts off with their own wrapped gift and sits in one big circle. There are 3 rounds rolling a die and doing what is shown in the photo. At the end of the game whatever gift you end up with you keep! Please keep gifts to under $15 in value.


We will have the following door prizes:

  • Gift cards from local garden centers.
  • Daylily Scarlet Pimpernel (This year’s Stout Silver Medal winner, donated by Lisa B.)
  • Garden Books. (Donated by Lisa B.)



Please let Paul know if you will be attending by responding to paul.bourret@gmail.com.