Oct 7 Meeting: Business Meeting & Fred Michel, Horticultural Art

This month’s meeting was held at the U-Maine Extension in Falmouth.

We started with the annual business meeting.

  • The December 2 meeting will also be at the Falmouth site.  It will be our annual holiday party, potluck and Yankee swap.  Items for the swap should be no more than $15.
  • Cheri reported that she in in discussion in SMCC about holding meetings in the hort building again.
  • A tentative schedule of meetings for 2018 was put forth.  Most meetings will be on Sundays in keeping with the response from the latest survey.  The tentative schedule will be published separately.
  • Cheri discussed the idea of renting a bus for the 2018 National Hosta Convention in Philadelphia.  Most members felt favorable about this.
  • Paul discussed that the AHS (Daylily) Regional meeting in 2018 will be in Nova Scotia.  Exact dates are not known but will be published once we know.
  • Paul gave a treasurer’s report.
  • Paul proposed a change to the bylaws on what happens to the club’s funds if the club dissolves.  This will be published in a separate report and will be voted on at the December meeting by the membership in attendance.
  • The annual meeting was completed and closed.


This month we had a speaker, Fred Michel.  Fred practices “Scanography”, the art of making pictures using a scanner.  Fred uses a number of horticultural subjects in his work, but for us, he focused on daylilies and hosta.  His work used all different parts of the plant: foliage, flowers and flower parts, pods, bud, stems and just about anything else.  The parts are painstakingly arranged on a scanner in a dark room to create some amazing art.  Here are some examples that Fred shared with us.  These were very interesting and imaginative images.  Fred’s work can be found on Flickr (linked to his name above) and he can be followed on on Twitter at @HortArt.

Daylily buds

Hosta buds

Daylily petals and sepals

Daylily CHICAGO ROSY in bloom and past bloom

Hosta leaves

Hosta pods


Hosta blooms

Daylily pistil pinwheel